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Transforms a signature matrix into a pattern space matrix by processing each row to reflect categorical changes (increase, decrease, no change) in sequence values. These changes are then hashed to create unique pattern identifiers.





Numeric matrix; signature matrix where each row represents differences between successive elements in the original time series data. Must contain only numeric values.


A numeric matrix where each row contains hashed pattern identifiers derived from categorical changes in the signature matrix. Returns a matrix with NA values if any row contains NA values.


Transform Signature Matrix into Pattern Space Matrix

The function performs these key steps:

  • Converts numerical differences into categorical changes (1: decrease, 2: no change, 3: increase)

  • Applies a hashing function (detailed below) to generate unique identifiers for each pattern

  • Handles missing values by returning NA for rows containing NA values.


signatureMatrix <- matrix(c(1, -1, 0, 2, -2, 0, 1, -1, 0), 
                         nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
patternSpaceMatrix <- patternSpace(signatureMatrix)
#>      [,1]
#> [1,]  282
#> [2,]  282
#> [3,]  282