Raw rodent and rainfall data collected from the Las Chinchillas National Reserve near Illapel, Coquimbo Region of Chile. This dataset provides ecological time series for studying species interactions and environmental effects.
#> Date PD AO P P1
#> 1 1987 367 60 57.5 513.4
#> 2 1988 87 21 104.3 57.5
#> 3 1989 47 1 63.4 104.3
#> 4 1990 59 1 200.8 63.4
#> 5 1991 150 1 307.2 200.8
#> 6 1992 121 49 162.5 307.2
#> Date PD AO P
#> Min. :1987 Min. : 5.00 Min. : 1 Min. : 15.80
#> 1st Qu.:1995 1st Qu.: 37.50 1st Qu.: 3 1st Qu.: 92.88
#> Median :2002 Median : 71.50 Median :12 Median :132.05
#> Mean :2002 Mean : 79.25 Mean :18 Mean :153.34
#> 3rd Qu.:2010 3rd Qu.:101.25 3rd Qu.:21 3rd Qu.:198.25
#> Max. :2018 Max. :367.00 Max. :98 Max. :436.00
#> P1
#> Min. : 15.80
#> 1st Qu.: 95.35
#> Median :144.50
#> Mean :168.76
#> 3rd Qu.:201.82
#> Max. :513.40